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Ismeretlen tag
6h ago

Hi sami, I miss you so much. I wish I could talk to you again, hug you, tell you I love you and be in your presence again. I see you in every thing. In the places we went together, the things we loved, every new song you showed me. I’d do anything to see you again sami. I love you always peanut ❤️❤️ I’m always thinking of you


Ismeretlen tag
10h ago

Hi Sami. I can’t believe it’s been 6 months without you here. Missing you and thinking of you always🩷🩷🩷


Ismeretlen tag
16h ago

Missing and thinking of you all the time Sami ❤️


Ismeretlen tag
18h ago

Sama Lama, Today marks six months since you left our side and found your way to heaven. It feels surreal that half a year has passed without your laughter echoing, your radiant smile lighting up our days, and your warm spirit surrounding us. I find myself constantly replaying memories of our time together, cherishing every moment we shared. I hope you are resting easy, filled with peace. Know that I love you deeply and think of you every day. You continue to inspire me, and while my heart aches in your absence, I find solace in the beautiful memories we had together. Forever in my heart, my girl.


Ismeretlen tag
5d ago

Sami, connecting with you through your art is a privilege I am forever grateful for. It will be 6 months without you, but I miss you every day. I wish I could share another laugh or memory with you, but our memories will live in my heart forever. I love you forever and always 💘


Ismeretlen tag
6d ago

Hi my Sami. I’m missing you and thinking of you so much right now. I am really wishing I could talk to you or see your face. I love you so much and I will always ❤️


Ismeretlen tag
febr. 01.

i miss u a lot sami. i miss ur face and your voice your laugh your smile everything about you. i see you in everything. i wish you were here ❤️i love u so much always.


Ismeretlen tag
jan. 24.

i miss you tons sam. i don’t know if this will ever feel real. i think about you every day and miss you beyond words. thank you for all the memories, i love you ❤️


Ismeretlen tag
jan. 24.

Hi Sami I can’t believe it’s been over 5 months. It still doesn’t feel real and I don’t know if it ever will. I love you more than you can imagine. You are always in my thoughts and I’m always keeping you close to my heart ❤️


Ismeretlen tag
jan. 21.

Hi Sam ❤️, It's been a while since I said anything here, and I'm sorry. It's still so hard to accept that you're not with us. I miss you and think about you all the time. I am living every day for you, always wondering what you would be doing at any given moment. I could not have grown up and created the memories I have without you. I love you so much Bean.

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